Morning in Jerusalem HDR

by David Morefield
Morning in Jerusalem HDR
David Morefield
Photograph - Photo
The Dome of the Rock is located at the visual center of Jerusalem known as the Temple Mount. It was built over the site of the Second Jewish Temple, which was destroyed during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Muslims believe that the Dome of the Rock is the site of the Islamic miracle of the Isra and Miraj. This is said to be where Muhammed ascended into Heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel. The Dome of the Rock is also the holiest site to Judaism, which is one of many major issues between the Jews and Muslims. Muslim authorities will not allow Jews to pray on the temple mount, so Jews go to the Western Wall in order to be as close as possible to the foundation stone of the Temple Mount when they pray. According to Jewish tradition, this stone is where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac, before he was stopped by the hand of God. Most Muslims believe that it was Ishmael, not Isaac, who was to be sacrificed.
August 29th, 2013