Vietnam Veterans Memorial

by David Morefield
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
David Morefield
Photograph - Photo
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial includes the names of over 58,000 servicemen and women who died while serving in the Vietnam War. Standing at the memorial, it is hard not to imagine how different the world would be had these sons and daughters not been lost in combat. The impact that this memorial has is very powerful for even those who did not serve in Vietnam.
If you have not had a chance to visit this memorial, I would highly suggest going to check it out the next time that you are in Washington DC.
September 1st, 2014
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Comments (23)

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Melany Sarafis
wow - so many names! I've never been here, but I'd like to go someday. Not sure I can do it though - I don't think my heart can stand it. I like the angle and DoF you chose.

Priscilla Burgers
Beautiful capture and POV! Congratulations on your Special Feature in Landscape and Landmark Photography Group! l/f