General Store in Independence Texas

by David Morefield
General Store in Independence Texas
David Morefield
Photograph - Photo
The General Store in Independence, Texas has been the social hub of the town since it was founded in 1926 by Walter C. Lueckemeyer. Mr. Lueckemeyer used to entertain his patrons with cold soda and according to his daughter, sold bootlegged whiskey as well and may have had some slot machines. In 1939, a stone facade was added to the front of the building that resembles the Alamo. The store remained in the Lueckemeyer family until 1977. Today, it is run by Mike and Brenda Meadows who have added on to the back to expand a seating area for locals to hand out and watch sports or talk. Walking into this place was a real treat and it was a lot like walking to a time machine, back when life was a whole lot more simple you actually talked with your neighbors instead of sending a text.
January 8th, 2014