Gates Auto Repair

by David Morefield
Gates Auto Repair
David Morefield
Photograph - Photo
The Gates Auto Repair shop was founded in 1939 by my grandfather, Claude Gates. My grandfather started working on cars when he was just a teenager and by the time that he was in his early twenties, he started a full time car repair shop. Gates Auto Repair, or the Gates Garage as we call it in the family, is now run by my uncle Dehaan Gates. The Gates Garage is the oldest independently owned Auto Repair business in Madison County, Alabama.
One summer when I was in High School, I worked at the Gates Garage and lived with my grandparents for a few weeks so that I could have the experience of working in the family business. I learned that I did not want to be a car mechanic and that I would rather pay someone else to do the work. It made for long hot days getting super dirty and I found a new respect for what mechanics do day in and day out through that experience.
July 15th, 2015