Bringing down the House

by David Morefield
Bringing down the House
David Morefield
Photograph - Photo
I witnessed the great precision with which D.H. Griffin was able to take down the old Milam Hotel in Downtown Houston. This demolition team did a great job and it was a sight to see. They were able to drop this hotel net door to Minute Maid Park and a Catholic Church just after services were out. The earth rumbling explosions rocked downtown with a Boom-Ba-Boom-Ba-Boom-Ba-Boom-BaBoom and then the old hotel fell gracefully straight down into itself.
Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon. The Ben Milam hotel was designed by architect James Ruskin Bailey and was built in 1928. The hotel was conveniently built across the street from Union Station in Downtown Houston. In 1932, the entire building received Air Conditioning and was a favorite stop for travelers. Among the other amenities was a Formal Dining Room that boasted the best food in Houston and an indoor swimming pool. This 10 story hotel had it all.
December 9th, 2012
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Comments (9)

JC Findley
VERY cool shot....
David Morefield replied:
Thank you. It was interesting setting up to shoot this building as it fell.